Why do Christians believe Christianity to be true?
A simple and authentic explanation of things you might not otherwise hear

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What people are saying…
This was well organised and researched information, with good teaching resources to discuss as a group.
Hearing how other people discuss the topics during the course helped me see how I could do the same.
After the course I went on holiday overseas, and with this course in mind nearly every day ended up in a spiritual conversation.
This course has broadened my knowledge of scientific and factual evidence for this faith.
We’ve been amazed at how much valuable information and perspective is being passed on here – so simply!
It was interesting finding out how much evidence there is supporting the historical truth of the bible.
This gave me a very thought-provoking set of topics I could discuss in a non-threatening way.
I’ve never been a ‘bible scholar’. This course helped!
My highlight was seeing how [trustworthy] the Bible is when assessed with the toughest questions.
This course helped connect our core beliefs with a chain of evidence.
Episode 1: Did God really create?
Episode one looks at some of the evidences that convince half the world’s population there is a God. However, the point is not only to show these evidences, but also to consider the way we humans are capable of ignoring evidence when it suits us. With a range of factors considered – what is the most logical conclusion from the evidence?

Episode 2: The world’s most reliable ancient document
An almost embarrassing array of evidence now exists from scholars across a range of fields, in relation to the reliability of the Bible as a book of history. Most will likely never have heard these evidences before. The question this begs is, what’s actually going on? Knowing what is now known, why is the reliability of Bible as a book of history even being discussed? Episode two highlights the findings of scholars — to hone in on the real issue.

Episode 3: The world’s most prophetic book
Episode three looks at predictions in the Bible that were fulfilled within the Bible’s times, to assess whether or not these really are miracles. This is considered important because it helps us assess how much value or importance we should give to the Bible’s histories – as compared to any other history? Is there anything unique here to suggest we should take special note of this book?

Episode 4: A seemingly crazy claim
Who was Jesus really? Did he really consider himself to be the ‘Messiah from God’ — or as sceptics of religion have suggested, might that be an idea other people put on him much later on? Having considered the evidence, we’ll then look at Jesus resurrection (coming back to life), noting conclusions of scholars both Christian and not regarding evidence – because if Jesus didn’t actually rise back to life, the whole story falls over!

Episode 5: A seemingly arrogant claim
While Jesus remains, in all cases, the most significant human ever to have lived, the question isn’t whether he was amazing, but whether or not he was who he claimed to be. So, because Jesus claimed to be the only way to God, we’ll firstly look at Jesus amongst the other religions — to consider the comparisons. We’ll then consider the options left because, while he was amazing – if we can’t write him off as being mad or a liar – calling him the ‘the most significant person ever to have lived’ might be an understatement!

Episode 6: An explanation that makes sense
A question many never consider is whether or not Jesus died for the right thing. Why follow Jesus to gain a solution — if it fails to address the actual problem? Jesus suggested that the problem with our planet was corruption in our hearts. In contrast, many of our world’s philosophers (past and present) suggest we are naturally ‘good’ — only behaving like we do because of our DNA, environments and prior experiences. So which is it? Are we actually good — or naturally bad? Episode six therefore considers this with a view to human nature, human consciousness and history.

Episode 7: A faith that works
If everything prior is true, the final important test is to look at how this faith works in the reality of our everyday experiences. Does this faith make a difference people’s lives that is unique or different to everything else – or not? Does history reveal a faith that is actually distinct in its positive effects within societies – or not? Is there evidence of a special and unique connection with God through this faith — or not? We therefore consider what happens when we connect the rational evidences with the experiential evidences – to consider what they say together!